
Beyond the Classroom

Education in its broadest sense is not simply about academic achievement so we offer a wide range of co-curricular activities designed to develop creative, social, cognitive and physical skills.

We aim to offer something for everyone, from chess to debating, from modern dance to gardening. After school clubs in key areas such as Music and Sport have a significant impact on our development of children’s skills and, often, their competitive edge!

Almost all children are given the opportunity to represent the school competitively as they reach the Upper Primary stage playing rugby, hockey and handball from Junior 6.

All children from Primary 2 upwards are offered the chance to sing in either the Infant or Junior Choir and many also play in one of our music groups such as the Guitar Group or the Junior Orchestra.

In addition, a very active Charities Committee has recently raised over £5,000 for Guide Dogs for the Blind allowing us to fund the training of two KA guide dog puppies.

Our lunchtime and after school programme offers a wide range of activities such as:

  • Chess
  • Gardening
  • Debating
  • Minecraft
  • Creative writing
  • Cross-country
  • Tennis
  • Judo
  • Football
  • Bikeability
  • News film-making

See what Extra-Curricular clubs and activities we offer to the Senior School

The Minerva Challenge

The Minerva Challenge is an award scheme open to all pupils in J4-J6 and involves similar character building activities to the Duke of Edinburgh Awards at an age appropriate level. The children will be given opportunities to do things completely new to them and to improve skills in areas they are already familiar with.

The Minerva Challenge is split into three levels - Bronze, Silver and Gold. Each has 4 challenge areas which become more demanding and require increased commitment as the level increases:

1. Me and My World

2. Physical

3. Skills

4. Expedition











The Minerva Challenge is a fantastic way to help children build confidence and develop skills, but more importantly it encourages them to rise to challenges and opens the door to new experiences.

Gordon Buchanan, Minerva Challenge Patron