
How to Give

The past generosity of Kelvinside Academicals and friends of the School have helped to develop and forge the School as it is today with many generations having benefited from a rich educational experience. This important tradition lives on and with your support we will be able to help more young people achieve their full potential.

Many of Academicals, Staff and Parents, both past and present, share our aims and values and strive to give as many young people as possible the opportunity to be the best they can be.

There are a number of opportunities to support Kelvinside Academy.  Whatever level you choose, it’s greatly appreciated and is essential if we are to continue to provide a first-class education and experience to our pupils.



Thank you for your interest in donating to the Jim Taylor MBE Memorial Fund.


  • Gift Aid is a simple way for the School, as a charity, to increase the value of gifts of money we receive from UK taxpayers.
  • When a UK taxpayer gives a gift of money to a charity, tax has already been paid on that money. This money, therefore, qualifies for Gift Aid. We are exempt from tax so we can claim an amount equal to the tax paid by the donor on their donation as a payment from HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) at no cost to the donor.
  • Gift Aid currently allows us to claim back 25p for every £1 you give to us, boosting the value of your donation by a quarter. All we need from you is permission to reclaim the tax you have paid to HMRC. You grant us permission to do this by ticking the ‘Gift Aid It’ box on the donation form.  If you pay tax at the higher rate you can reclaim the difference between the amount and the basic rate on your own tax return.
  • For companies, simply pay the gift in full and claim tax relief for this amount on your corporation Tax Return.

We can accept donations in a variety of ways. You do not have to use the Gift Aid method but clearly, it benefits the charity if you do. So, providing you have paid sufficient tax to cover the basic tax on the gift, it is very beneficial. Any amount of gift will qualify for Gift Aid.

  • Giving shares rather than cash donations could be a wise investment decision due to the tax relief which can be claimed on the value of donated shares.
  • You as the donor can claim tax relief equal to the market value of the shares on the day you make the transfer, together with any associated costs such as broker's fees.  The relief is against your income tax for the year.  For example, if you donate £1000 worth of shares and you are a high-rate taxpayer, you will pay £400 less in income tax that year. Additionally, you will not have to pay any capital gains tax (CGT) on any increase in the value of the shares since you bought them.
  • Direct transfer to the Appeal of assets such as stocks, property and works of art do not incur capital gains tax.
  • We ask everyone from our extended community to consider making us a gift in their Will.
  • Leaving a gift in your Will may be the ideal way to help if circumstances do not allow you to donate during your lifetime.
  • Legacy giving may also have tax benefits by reducing the amount liable to inheritance tax.
  • If you do decide to leave a gift in your Will to the School, it would be helpful to have an indication of your intentions. A Confidential Pledge Form is available and the information given will help our long-term planning.
  • Trading companies, sole traders and trading partnerships sponsoring a charitable activity can claim tax relief for sponsorship payments providing the payments are made wholly and exclusively for the purpose of your trade.


If you wish to make a difference please download the Gift Aid Form and return to Development Manager, Elaine Solman, indicating which area of the School you wish to benefit from your donation.

All donations should be paid to the Minerva Educational Trust, the fundraising arm of Kelvinside Academy.